1-on-1 online Yoga

I was originally against the idea of teaching yoga via a digital device, it seemed so cold, technological, impersonal, and of course absolutely not traditional, …yet trying it out was such a positive, beautiful experience, that went so much beyond my expectations! It also allows me to stay in touch with my students anywhere they are, when they undergo difficult time or when they move.


I love teaching online yoga, via Skype or Zoom or similar apps, and  I found the results are amazing, it just works! It is just so accessible, enabling anyone to practice, to relax, to get healthier, no matter where they are or what their lifestyle is. 

About me and the classes:

I  combine physical and inner work, classical Yoga together, integral yoga, yoga flow and iyengar yoga, along with meditation and relaxation.
Yoga and meditation, are not only concepts or techniques but a way of life. They are tool to support us and allow us to grow, to be not only calmer and more energetic but more real, more in touch with our body and our feelings, and simply to be more happy.

I find it important to bring creativity and freshness to each class, to emphasizes on adjusting each session to specific needs, while remaining committed to a routine schedule.


About the participants:

Anyone that is open to try is welcomed, all you need is a bit of space and internet connection. While just about anyone can enjoy and benefit from online personal yoga classes I find that it is particularity great for:

  • ..anyone that longs for personal guidance and adjustment made for their needs 
  • ..anyone that is stuck at home, or travel a lot or simply needs flexible schedule
  • ..people that are unwell physically / mentally & wish “yoga will come to them”
  • ..those that need classes adjusted to specific needs
  • ..people living in remote areas with no yoga studios, gyms or activities centers around
  • ..anyone that wants to lose wight, to be more calm and balanced,..and just can’t seem to get that personal support
  • ..anyone that is open to discover the power of yoga is greater then expected.


 All you need to do is book a session and let me know when is a good time for you and on which time-zone/where you are.

1 x Session cost $60

3 x Sessions cost $45 each, total of $135

Payments are made via PayPal or via bank transfer at least 24h prior to the class.

A series of meetings can be scheduled to create a deep transformation and allow a continuous flow of guidance and support. These can be a part of normal life or as an assistance during a personal retreat or times of reflection….All sessions can be held no matter where you are, and no matter where I am.

Please don’t hesitate to write to me if you have any questions.


(c) 2010 Meditative Art School, Mochita Har-Lev      Web Development: galordesign.com