Why is it so hard to meditate?

Posted by on Apr 24, 2023 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

We make time, put away the world, we sit, take a deep breath, close our eyes, and then we are confronted with ourselves. In that darkness and motionlessness, we have the opportunity to...

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Keep your practice pure

Posted by on Jul 13, 2022 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

Keeping yoga pure. It’s much easier to get things dirty then to clean them. It’s so much more challenging to find and maintain quietness and stillness, yet so effortlessly it can be...

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Talking Spirituality

Posted by on Dec 15, 2021 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

There are many kind of ‘so-called’ spiritual people. Some, walk the walk, others talk the talk, some claim they seek, some claim they have found, or, alternatively, have been found. Very few...

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Playing with Words

Posted by on Sep 12, 2021 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

One popular way people enjoy expressing and displaying creativity, is through the work with words. The idea is simple; wanting to immerse ourselves in positive concepts. However, words and...

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Therapeutic vs. Meditative

Posted by on Aug 17, 2021 in Articles, best | 0 comments

I find that out of those that come across the concept of meditative or spiritual practices, it is therapist that have the hardest time grasping the concept and really understanding the ultimate...

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Beyond experience

Posted by on Oct 19, 2019 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

What most people want is to have an amazing experience, dramatic and exciting, to experience ecstasy, unforgettable pleasure, sexual exhilarations and deep emotions. We are willing to pay large...

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Natural materials, Unnatural times (part 2)

Posted by on Oct 14, 2019 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

So we were discussing the difference between synthetic materials and natural materials and …why is it so?   In case you missed the 1 part of the article click...

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Natural materials, Unnatural times (part 1)

Posted by on Oct 6, 2019 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

The subject of using natural materials in art, which up until a few years ago seemed like very alternative and minor matter, has unavoidably become an important and central question artists, just...

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What to do with Art

Posted by on Jun 4, 2019 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

The joy of creating something, may at times come in conflict with the burdening question “what to do with Art?”. Storing, selling or even giving away an art product can involve energy, time and...

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Posted by on Feb 22, 2019 in Articles, best, for home page featured, love | 0 comments

The term healing has become a key term in modern spirituality. It is a very popular term that has flowed into a wide range of fields such as medicine, religion, psychology, even agriculture and...

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Grounding Art

Posted by on Nov 27, 2018 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

Most people want their art practice and their spiritual practice to be exciting, exhilarating, fascinating. They want to be stimulated, they long for an “amazing” experience that is...

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How vs. What

Posted by on Nov 21, 2018 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

In our so called normal daily life, perhaps the greatest emphasis we give is to the “What” – What do we do? What is our age? What is our financial situation? Our social position? Our marital...

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Who am I?

Posted by on Nov 6, 2018 in Articles, best, for home page featured | Comments Off on Who am I?

Self-inquiry vs. Self-definition The art world is saturated with attempts to apply creative energy in an exploration of personal, cultural and communal self-definition. Modern artist typically make...

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Art & Education

Posted by on Aug 5, 2018 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

Part 1: The root base of understanding art education Do we need to learn art? What is there to teach and what is there to study? Is it beneficial for children and adults to be educated of past...

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Posted by on Jul 19, 2018 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

They say ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ yet, …is it really? Does this cliché hold any valuable meaning or is it simply something people like to say to resolve disagreements or disputes...

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Posted by on Feb 19, 2018 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

I spend a few months each year traveling, living and retreating in Asia. This year I was located mainly in Thailand where I enjoyed seeing beautiful and harmonies modern artwork along my way,...

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Being Creative

Posted by on Nov 1, 2017 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

Being Creative, and even the simple term creativity, particularly to those who have a self-image of themselves as “artists”, can be an issue worth discussing and...

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So-called spirituality, so-called art

Posted by on Mar 16, 2017 in Articles, best, for home page featured, Selected Chapters | 0 comments

Modern art, modern spirituality… In the past few decades I have witnessed the field of spirituality move quite rapidly, from the extreme razor sharp edges of society to the comfortable shallow...

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Energy and Art

Posted by on Sep 25, 2016 in Articles | 0 comments

What is energy? Energy is one of those popular words that can mean anything and everything, a word people like to use since it sounds deep yet remains abstractic, and it can be said without really...

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1 reason to Meditate 

Posted by on Sep 15, 2016 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

You don’t need to read 7 amazing reasons why it’s good for artists to meditate, you don’t need to learn 4 new ways to free your creativity, to checkout 10 fascinating tools to find...

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Spiritual Maturity

Posted by on Sep 11, 2016 in Articles, best | 0 comments

We want to be calmer, to be happier, wiser, more clear and sharp, more in-tune and in harmony with life and with our true needs and wishes. We aspire to be more healthy and energetic, to be at peace...

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Meditative Sculpting

Posted by on Nov 17, 2015 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

Sculpting is essentially a process of transformation; we take shape or a structure and give it life, making an abstract object or a personified figure and bringing them into the light. We expose and...

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Posted by on Jun 14, 2015 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

Most people do not take an interest in spirituality because they long to discover and actualize their pure nature. .. So-Called Spirituality Most people are either sick or feel lost, bored, depressed...

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Yoga is Not

Posted by on Apr 14, 2015 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

Yoga is not a modern new age therapy; it is not about skinny girls in tight pink leotards promoting weight loss. It has nothing to do with exposing one’s body in front of the mirror or camera,...

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Not everything is Art

Posted by on Apr 6, 2015 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

The term ‘Art’ is one of the more fluid terms so frequently used nowadays. Like many other deep and meaningful terms, such as Spirituality, Meditation and Divinity, the term Art has lost much of...

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Posted by on Mar 28, 2015 in Articles, best, for home page featured, Selected Chapters | 0 comments

Meditative Art from the Far East “Ancient ‘Mother India’ and ‘Father China’ of the Far East are both captivating in many ways; this includes the fields of Meditative Art...

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Creative Movement

Posted by on Jan 5, 2015 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

In the underdeveloped and somewhat hidden modern field of Meditative Art, it seems as though dance and creative movement has been one of the most popular art forms. Searching history, we find...

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Universal vs. Personal

Posted by on Dec 5, 2014 in Articles, best | 0 comments

“As a generalization, Meditative Art, and spiritual paths, can be divided into two primal categories: personal and impersonal. Understanding each of these categories is important and can...

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River of Creativity

Posted by on Nov 21, 2014 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

That which is called creativity is far beyond the scope of ideas, materials, shapes, colors and sounds. It is an ever flowing river that flows from the very source. When connected to that source, our...

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Meditative Painting

Posted by on Nov 17, 2014 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

Painting is the practice of applying paint or color to a surface, commonly with the use of a brush, but other objects can be used as well. In art, the term painting describes both the act as well as...

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The Artist

Posted by on Nov 16, 2014 in Articles, best | 0 comments

The idea of ‘the artist’ being extravagant, egoistic, overly emotional and moody is a modern vision. Nowadays, we simply can’t think of an “artist” as someone...

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Inspiration & the Creative Desire

Posted by on Sep 25, 2014 in Articles, best | 0 comments

What is that which we call inspiration? What could be the reason we feel drawn to do, to create, to play, with love and interest? What could possess us and fill us with passion, stimulation and...

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Passionate Pottery

Posted by on Aug 20, 2014 in Articles, best | 0 comments

  Going in Circles The wheel turns; you find yourself looking at it as if it is a poisonous snake swaying to the sounds of the flute; you couldn’t move your eyes aside, even if you wanted to;...

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Real Art

Posted by on Aug 15, 2014 in Articles, best | 0 comments

Many years ago, when I was an art student, the question “what is art?” used to arise every now and again. It would be a philosophical more than a practical inquiry, a trigger for...

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Creativity & Women

Posted by on Aug 3, 2014 in Articles, best | 0 comments

There is something so very special about a group of women creating together. Something about it feels so familiar -so ‘right’; for we, as women, have sat and worked together in tribes,...

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Breath & Vital Force

Posted by on Mar 29, 2014 in Articles | 0 comments

  There are a few general terms and themes that are important to understand in relation to spiritual work; concepts that are common among many religions and doctrines. Understanding these is not...

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Yogic Food & Sleep

Posted by on Mar 14, 2014 in Articles | 0 comments

  “My children, eat to live; sleep to awake” Amma  Self discipline, with respect to food and sleep, is not only important for our general wellbeing; it is also an essential matter when it comes...

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3 Important Factors on the Spiritual Path

Posted by on Jan 28, 2014 in Articles | 0 comments

  Patience, Guidance & Surrender We must have an immense thirst to grow, develop and reach our ultimate goal of real happiness. The state of real happiness and peacefulness is our real home,...

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Body, Soul & Spirit

Posted by on Jan 22, 2014 in Articles, best | 0 comments

Working on various levels simultaneously The Indian spiritual philosophy explains the complexity of the various aspects of man in a beautiful and deep manner. According to this understanding, human...

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Eco Art

Posted by on Oct 10, 2013 in Articles, best, for home page featured | 0 comments

Turning Garbage into Art Working with recyclable materials is a cheap, accessible and creative way to make art. It can also be regarded as an eco-friendly form of creativity. This is filed that is...

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Exploring Color

Posted by on Oct 7, 2013 in Articles, best | 0 comments

The world of color is a fascinating world to be studied and explored, especially for those who wish to use art as a tool for spiritual development. We can learn how to utilize  the desire to create...

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Posted by on Sep 12, 2013 in Articles, best | 0 comments

A Traditional Form of Indian Meditative Art Yantras are visual tools used for spiritual growth; to connect with the divine, in attempt for liberation. Each yantra is a specific symbolic composition...

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Recommended Reading

Posted by on Sep 10, 2013 in Articles | 0 comments

Some people have asked me for recommended books on women’s health, relationship and sacred sexuality; so here is my personally selected, growing list of books that have given me something on these...

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Selected 5 places that facilitate spiritual development

Posted by on Nov 19, 2012 in Articles, best | 0 comments

Some places undoubtedly have especially positive influence for the spiritual seeker on the path. It can be argued why and how could it be, yet if one develops the sensitively and even the habit of...

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Art & Meditation

Posted by on Nov 18, 2012 in Articles, best | 0 comments

Meditative Art is a process of applying creativity in a meditative state of mind. It is a fascinating way to connect to the source of all beauty – the source of all. Using our desire to express...

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Posted by on Nov 18, 2012 in Articles | 0 comments

  A few words about Freedom “The very urge to understand is the beginning of freedom” J. Krishna Murti. Freedom is a tricky term – what does it actually mean to be free? …my...

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Yoga, Meditation & Art

Posted by on Nov 18, 2012 in Articles | 0 comments

Meditative Art, yoga and meditation are different spiritual practices; they are not therapies in essence. Although they are all successfully applied as therapies – this is not their essential...

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Meditation & Art = Magic

Posted by on Nov 17, 2012 in Articles, best | 0 comments

A Meditative Artist is, first of all, a spiritual seeker; their one and only goal is spiritual development and anything that can support the spiritual journey is regarded positive and facilitating....

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Nature, Art & Spirituality

Posted by on Nov 17, 2012 in Articles, best | 0 comments

Nature – the endless creation, the manifested word, the divine show in which we, all mankind, are a part of. Looking at the present situation worldwide, anyone with their eyes open to see, can...

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Introduction to Doll Making

Posted by on Nov 17, 2012 in Articles, best | 0 comments

The art of creating a doll, or a personified figurine, is both magical and charming. It has been, for centuries, a mysterious act connected to both black and white magic.   Doll making...

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Right Effort

Posted by on Nov 13, 2012 in Articles | 0 comments

 המאמץ הנכון מוצ’יטה הר-לב   .לעיתים נדמה לנו שכדי להשיג את אשר אנו מבקשים עלינו פשוט להתאמץ. אם רצונינו לא...

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Talking to God

Posted by on Sep 1, 2012 in Articles | 0 comments

God – pure love and light. God, or the divine, is Truth – the very source of all power, magic, beauty and beyond. God is not a white bearded old man sitting up in the sky. He lives inside...

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Why come to India for Spiritual Practice

Posted by on Apr 29, 2012 in Articles | 0 comments

  India, ho Mother India! India is truly a magical and mysterious place, the source of ancient tradition and culture, countless ceremonies and rituals, profound philosophy and deep wisdom, the...

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Art and Nature

Posted by on Nov 24, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

Nature is the manifestation form of creation; it is the greatest art teacher and the endless source of inspiration, the source of all colors and shapes. When wanting to create in a way that is...

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Permaculture & Yoga

Posted by on Oct 5, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

Permaculture and Yoga are two different practices and ways of life. Both aspire for harmony- inner or personal harmony, as well as harmony with the surroundings. It is not a coincidence that both...

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Yoga & Living in Harmony with Nature

Posted by on Oct 4, 2011 in Articles, best | 0 comments

Yoga means union, merging one’s action, words and thoughts, with the surrounding, with the Divine or truth. Practicing yoga teaches us how to breathe, how to sit, how to be at peace within and...

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Karma Yoga

Posted by on Sep 19, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

 “Spiritual practice without Karma Yoga is like building a house with no doors or windows“ Amritaanada Mayi   “If we see selfless service as an integral part of spirituality,...

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Yoga Nidra – Deep Relaxation

Posted by on Sep 19, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

Deep relaxation or yoga Nidra is more then simply time dedicated to relax and unwind. Yoga Nidra is a traditional practice designed to facilitate the spiritual seeker’s progress. This Sanskrit...

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Meditative Walks

Posted by on Sep 16, 2011 in Articles, best | 0 comments

Meditative walks, either guided or silent are a lovely and inspiring practice that supports a spiritual seeker.  These walks, unlike other walk and not a way to get somewhere, rather they are the...

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Yoga & Meditation

Posted by on Aug 19, 2011 in Articles | 0 comments

When attempting to create in a meditative way, the artist’s state of mind is that which is of the most important; this is the uniqueness of Meditative Art. In regular art classes, the...

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Meditative Painting & Sketching

Posted by on Aug 19, 2011 in Articles | Comments Off on Meditative Painting & Sketching

In the old days, a painter was not only a person who paints. Finding the different materials needed in order to make the desired masterpieces was an integral part of the work that required skill and...

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Meditative Art Theory

Posted by on Aug 17, 2011 in Articles | Comments Off on Meditative Art Theory

The theory of Meditative Art can be divided into four main themes: Meditative-Art history, basic concepts of visual art, spiritual philosophy and Meditative Art techniques and...

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What is Meditative Art?

Posted by on Aug 9, 2011 in Articles | Comments Off on What is Meditative Art?

Learning how to use our personal creative gift in a positive and meditative way is a beautiful and satisfying experience that supports any harmonious lifestyle. Meditative Art has traditionally been...

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(c) 2010 Meditative Art School, Mochita Har-Lev      Web Development: galordesign.com