Meditative Art – The Book
Meditative Art – Theory & Practice is our first book, it shares the essence of Meditative Art and lays the foundation to understanding art as a tool for inner growth. It also explores Meditative Art history from around the world.
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True Femininity
An inspiring spring of holistic understandings, practical advise & fascinating images from across the globe. The book is written with much love to help any woman that wishes to be happy, to grow and to live in truth.
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Contemporary Spirituality, Contemporary Art
A fresh critical analysis on the meeting point of modern day Spirituality and Art. A sharp evaluation that sheds light on the great weakness and roles the two worlds shares.
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Testimony from Students
Thank you for helping me clean up my "muck" through meditation, yoga & art. I am especially grateful to you for reminding me that there is still creativity within me. I take this gift with me knowing that if one day I lose it again, I can always find it. What a relief!
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Lover and Beloved
That feeling that you really don’t care about anything else, that you don’t what to do anything else, that you are so absorbed in your creative play that the only thing you want to do is to be even more absorbed in it. You can pretend to care about other things and generally you […]
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Stay Sane
It is when we refuse to keep learning, to grow, that exact moment is when we start getting old. As a child, we are open and interested, curious and experimental. “Old people” are those that are holding on to their established self-image, to who they think they are, to that which they think they know, […]
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Dance of life
Dance is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is not mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself. Havelock Ellis (1859-1939) British social reformer Dance me to the end of love When was the last time you danced? Traditionally in ancient and tribal cultures, […]
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Thoughts on Women and cloth
What is it with women and cloth, fabrics, threads and draperies? It’s like some kind of ancient secret bond. Be it silk or linen, stretchy modern fabrics or good old warm pure wool. Tapestry and weaving, sewing, knitting, stitching, embroidery work or loom; it seems as though women have been making fabric for years, decorating […]
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Being alive, means that at times we may act, or feel, or think in a way we wish would be different. That is rather natural, and it gives us room to grow and to improve, according to our own goals and towards our own ideals. Accepting our current limitation and our human imperfection is an […]
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Life and death
Some of us spend our lives wondering ‘what am I meant to do with my life?’ Looking at nature, it does not seem to me that this is a question asked among animals, perhaps their conscious mind is not developed enough, or not in that abstract way. And while not everyone wonders about such matters, […]
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Searching for meaning
It is such a wonder, why so many people, so many bodies, millions and billions, keep living, keep breathing, their hearts keep beating, day after day. Is it not?
Why? What keeps them going? What inspires them? What is their life force fueled by?
What keeps you going?

Strength and weakness in uncertain times
It is hard to see anything but confusion and uncertainty all over the world nowadays, and not only that, but it’s been quite a bit of time already since this period has stated, and yet no real concrete end is in sight.
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