About Us



Meditative Art School applies the process of creating, as a spiritual practice. Coming from the background of both the art field and the spiritual world, we combine the two together. In this way spiritual seekers can support their love and need to create and vice-versa artists can utilize their creativity to grow spiritually. We have founded Meditative Art School – to teach Meditative Art in a modern way, and bring together traditional forms of meditative arts from around the globe. We are also yoga and meditation practitioners, as well as qualified and experienced teachers.


Mochita Har-Lev

Mochita is a professional designer and passionate artist. She is also a certified and experienced yoga teacher. Mochita has been exploring and developing the field of Meditative Art theoretically and practically. She dedicates her life to her inner path and shares her knowledge and experience worldwide.

She studied yoga, meditation, art and philosophy, not only conceptually but as a way of life. After learning in varies places in the west, she traveled to India to live and study in ashrams that focus on Yoga and Vedanta – Indian philosophical wisdom.

As an designer and artist, Mochita has been investigating Meditative Art by working with natural materials. Researching and collecting traditional techniques of Meditative Art worldwide, she puts these into practice in the modern world.

Coming from a background of dynamic group leading, she combines physical and inner work in her classes and special workshops, such as The Five Elements, Femininity, and Holistic Life.

In her yoga classes she brings Integral Yoga with Yoga Flow and Classical Yoga. Bringing creativity and freshness to each class, she emphasizes on adjusting each session to specific needs, while remaining committed to a routine schedule.

Mochita published three book on the meeting between Art and Spiritually, all available on for sale on this website as ebooks.

Meditative Art – Theory & Practice – the first and most fundamental book, 

True Femininity – focused on the special concretion between art, spirituality and women.

Contemporary Spirituality, Contemporary Art – a critical analysis which sheds light on both contemporary art and contemporary spirituality.

Mochita also writes and publishes articles on the practices she is dedicated to – Meditation, Yoga and Art, as well as numerous complementary themes: Indian philosophy, visual arts, self healing and positive thinking.

(c) 2010 Meditative Art School, Mochita Har-Lev      Web Development: galordesign.com