Testimony from Students


Thank you for helping me clean up some of my “muck” through the meditation, yoga & art. I am especially grateful to you for reminding me that there is still creativity within me. I take this gift with me knowing that if one day I lose it again, I can always find it. What a relief! You made this retreat very special. I am very happy we have crossed paths. Love, Isabel”

Isabel, Silver Island Yoga Retreat


“Mochita! Your gentle guidance, peaceful and kind presence helped let each of us blossom and grow, in spirit,creativity self confidence and mutual/group expression.

You are a gift to the world.”

Kate Britt, Artist


“Mochita is a generous soul and a beautiful teacher. Her lessons on Meditative Art and the use of natural materials were inspirational and made feel new and accessible to me.

I look forward to taking the gifts I received into my daily life.”

Debbie Lacy, Life Coach, Kirklan, WA


“Thank you for the wonderful week and for sharing all your beautiful materials and your time.

What an excellent experience – what I really needed! I have never tried meditation, but it’s something I intend to incorporate into my daily routine. I see how it works now and how it changed the way my body felt – the yoga was nice as well. Also, the art expression gave me such a good opportunity to connect -inside.”


I have found this week to be extremely therapeutic and cleansing i have shed many tears, often in a good way with a heart full of love and compassion. Through the art portion of this course in particular I have found a way to believe in myself and show that to others.”



“Dear Mochita, thank you for coming into my life. Your classes have been not only fascinating and supportive, but a beam of light to a real change in my life. After the first class I could finally sleep again. I feel fortunate to have met you. Thank you, you help me find peace”

Ulli W. Holland

“Mochita, your classes are a joyfully dance. You bring such enthusiasm and creativity to your classes. You bring much depth into the classes and make them so much fun!

We look forward to seeing you again next year in Naxos.”

Richard, Athlete. England


“I loved the workshop – you showed me art can be something so completely different. I thank you for all that you helped me realize through your classes. I also loved the combination of yoga and art. Thank you so much and I look forward to your next workshop and to hearing once more your soothing voice during relaxation.”

Maria Basili

“I always thought that art was something ecstatic and that to be a good artist you need a big ego. I feel I create differently now, from a different place, I also look at nature and inside for my inspiration. During the workshop I especially enjoyed the work with paper-mache and working in relation with the Divine Goddess. I was amazed at my own artwork.”

Martin. Germany

(c) 2010 Meditative Art School, Mochita Har-Lev      Web Development: galordesign.com