Magical Locations


Magical Locations in Nature

All our Meditative Art & Yoga programs are held at natural beautiful places to give inspiration and support to our work.

During the programs, great emphasis is given on connecting with nature and learning from its wisdom. We do so through the practice of meditative walks, outdoor meditation sittings and creating with a wide range of natural materials. Earth, wood, wool, beads, flowers, natural paints and spices are among the many materials we use.

We find it important to select locations where we can play and explore freely. We are delighted to be bringing these retreats to inspiring places around the world. This year we will be coming to Naxos Island in Greece and Karuna Centro in South Portugal.

We invite you to join us in one of our upcoming programs. Give yourself an inspiring gift of love!

Learn more about yourself and grow through Art, Meditation & Yoga. Experience the connection between nature, art and spirituality in a supportive and beautiful atmosphere…


Creative Spirit in Portugal

Meditative Art & Yoga

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