Playing with Words

Posted by on Sep 12, 2021 in Articles, for home page featured | 0 comments

One popular way people enjoy expressing and displaying creativity, is through the work with words. The idea is simple; wanting to immerse ourselves in positive concepts. However, words and...

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Therapeutic vs. Meditative

Posted by on Aug 17, 2021 in Articles, best | 0 comments

I find that out of those that come across the concept of meditative or spiritual practices, it is therapist that have the hardest time grasping the concept and really understanding the ultimate...

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Posted by on Aug 10, 2021 in for home page featured, love | 0 comments

What is the meaning of this beautiful and beloved word – Abundance? So full, so overflowing with promises and cherished fantasies, ideal treasures, great fortune. Luxuriously decorated with flares...

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Move it

Posted by on May 3, 2021 in love | 0 comments

Our bodies are designed to move. If we assume we don’t like to move, we are in essence, objecting or opposing to the natural way we are meant to live – with movement imbedded within it. We...

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Posted by on Apr 11, 2021 in for home page featured, love | 0 comments

’Don’t you think it’s so important that a child feels connected to something that is grater then themselves?’, – they say. And as they speak, they are actually not talking about their...

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