Unchain my harp

The first time I heard someone play the harp on a personal level, I was memorized. I know then and there that if I will ever be motivated to learn to play an instrument it would only be the harp, for no other instrument inspired me and open my heart as it did.
As this event happened when I was traveling, upon return from my travels I started taking 1-on-1 harp classes. Totally in love, I felt as though by learning the harp I’m reclaiming a part of me that I never knew.
Soon after, my life changed and traveling became a big part of my life, and a part of what I do most of the year. This did not go well with my new love for the harp and my longing to learn and play.
Harping while traveling
My time of travels continued, yet, that deep wish did not budge or diminish it patiently waited, as it did before I became known of it.
Some time ago I was wrongly diagnosed with a chronic disease. After researching and investigating all that I could about the disease, I begin my extensive research on buying a harp. Shortly after, I ordered a harp online. While the diagnosis later on proved to be wrong and I was happy to know I am well, the harp door was open and there was no turning back.
As a child I took some piano lessons, they didn’t do anything for me and I was uninterested. At school we learned to play the flute. That too never touched me. But the harp this was, and still, is nothing less than love. A deep and beautiful, magical and pure, love. The harp is so forgiving and yet it is so profound and rewarding. It requires dedication but the joy and beauty it radiates and manifests it just wonderful.
There is so much to learn and explore with the harp, so much skill and sensitivity to develop.
I play for myself, it is very personal and intimate, and while other can enjoy the sounds, I am the one that get to play. Sometimes it astonishes me that such celestial sounds are created through my very hands. How could it be? And all the magic that has ever been bestowed upon the harp, it is all true and even more. All those angels and fairies and other mystical beings that have been portrayed playing the harp, they too come alive and join, motivate and whisper as the tight strings are plucked and the notes vibrate.
The musician gets to hug the harp and that is creates such warmth and closeness between the player and their beloved harp. And as the soundboard rest on the shoulder, and its vibration are directed straight at the torso in to the heart, which feel this resonance directly and rejoices in its pleasure.
It is true that a harp is not an ideal instrument for a traveler, a flute or a harmonica would certainly be much more appropriate and convenient for a nomad lifestyle. And while pedal harps are really hard to move, Celtic harps come in many different sizes and shapes. Celtic musicians were traditionally travelers, gypsies on the move, and so many harp were created with their needs in mind. A small travel harp, traditionally called known as a Clàrsach in Scottish Gaelic, was a popular instrument that was commonly used by those on the move in Scotland and neighboring Wales and Ireland.
Making dream come true
Today there are many options of light and small harps. And while there is nothing like a big harp with great deep low notes, the joy of having a small portable harp always with me is endless. I cherish the ability to play anywhere and take it with me wherever I go. It is a wonderful gift that shines such light and wonder into my life.
Among the greatest things one can say about this day and age we live in, is that we can learn, and be educated even in the most remote places in the world. The accessibility of knowledge and personal guidance from skilled teachers is so vast that all we need is just to make a wish, look it up online, and there it is waiting for us.
It is a privilege to be able to make our most sweet, precise and innocent dreams, come true.