Feminine Muscles 2

(*This post is a continuation of the previous post – Feminine Muscles 1)
Most women are aware of the concept of Kegel muscles and Kegel practices, and while they are not very clear about it all, they have heard of it.
The Kegel thing
So we all kind of know about the Kegel thing, that there was this doctor that invented some exercise back in the 50s and these are helpful to women that have problems. This is general common knowledge. And this knowledge goes up until: you need to squeeze hard like trying to stop your pee and try to remember to do this from time to time, for instance, when you’re waiting at the traffic lights to switch or when waiting for the bus.
So much for common knowledge. This common knowledge, is common, limited and it is so loosely related to the actual facts that we can pretty much consider it wrong.
Yes, indeed Dr. Arnold Kegel did indeed invent a way which enables us not only to measure and strengthen feminine intimate muscles, however his exercises we not about holding your pee or anything like that.
Dr. Kegel, developed not only practices but also tools to monitor and get feedback about a women’s progress. He used these tools and measurement in a dedicated scientific ways and had amazing results. His methods used various steps as well as a resistance device – just like the use of resistance when working out other muscles for instance with weights, a stretch band or even with our own body weight, such as in push us.
His exercises also relied on the use of a biofeedback of measurements by which both physician and patient can observe the progress. While for one single time, she can try and stop their urine to help her to understand which direction to start her practice, by no means are these the actual exercise or a way to practice. It’s really only about giving one a very basic understand of the very vast range of inner muscles that are involved in real proper work.
His work was fully based upon a measurement tool as well as a device inserted into vegan to help activate the muscles to give something to work with and by which the exercise is done. Without both of these (measurements and device to use for toning), there is no real Kegel exercise.
Pee at peace (!) and do your proper exercise
Kegel exercise and any exercise that targets to strengthen the intimate feminine muscles are much more the single part that is related to releasing urine. There is a whole range of muscles that go from the very end of the opening and up until the cervix. The supportive muscles of the perineum, buttocks and even belly are connected. But just like knowing how to activate them together, we should also develop the ability to work them separately and independently.
The inner muscles are somewhat harder to relate to and work, as they are not visible to us and can be challenging to feel them, to relate to them as well as create resistance. It can also be challenging to measure our progressive work when activating them.
Time to get to work
While many of us felt perfectly content to squeeze our “stop the pee” muscle from time to time waiting in traffic or during a boring conversation, however this is simply not a way to strengthen our intimate muscles. Nope sorry. It’s just as good as holding our belly in for a few moment now and then when we look at the mirror and think this is exactly the way we are going to create change in our abdominal muscles.
It takes proper understanding real workouts for our vagina to feel results. Correct guidance and well as supportive tools are very helpful in making our effort efficient. Just like we can easily learn how to perform abdominal muscles and if we care enough we will practice it, even more so with relation to our inner feminine parts. It’s important to take time to investigate and get to know more about there areas, as they can be even harder to relate to them then other body parts. As they are not so openly discussed, we pretty much only talk about them or address them when something is already not perfectly strong. And by that time, some problems have already developed.
It is astonishing to grasp that most woman have no relation to most of their inner parts and do not know how to activate them for her own health as well as for sexual pleasure – both for her and her partner’s pleasure.
I can go into greater details about the different kind of tools that are out there – such as jade egg or silicon balls, and we can discuss their individual benefits. However, the more important point I hope to make for the moment is:
1. We (most of us) are holding misinformation about what is actually a correct way to workout our inner muscles. And 2. It’s not so critical which device you use: be it balls of 100% body grade silicon, natural round gem stone, real nephrite jade egg, …etc. In all cases – whether it comes from a factory or the beach – you must do some research on how to properly clean it first (and between each practice) as well as learn how to work with it correctly to make sure you don’t injury yourself and get real effective results.
While some research is needed it’s really not rocket science !
And, just like caring for our oral hygiene, we too must learn how to care, tone and maintain our beautiful and dear feminine area, to keep our body healthy, for our own wellbeing. The fun results are a great incentive to get you to keep working at it!
Continue to Feminine Muscles – part 3